Package 'fastRG'

Title: Sample Generalized Random Dot Product Graphs in Linear Time
Description: Samples generalized random product graphs, a generalization of a broad class of network models. Given matrices X, S, and Y with with non-negative entries, samples a matrix with expectation X S Y^T and independent Poisson or Bernoulli entries using the fastRG algorithm of Rohe et al. (2017) <>. The algorithm first samples the number of edges and then puts them down one-by-one. As a result it is O(m) where m is the number of edges, a dramatic improvement over element-wise algorithms that which require O(n^2) operations to sample a random graph, where n is the number of nodes.
Authors: Alex Hayes [aut, cre, cph] , Karl Rohe [aut, cph], Jun Tao [aut], Xintian Han [aut], Norbert Binkiewicz [aut]
Maintainer: Alex Hayes <>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-02-23 04:32:24 UTC

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Create an undirected Chung-Lu object


To specify a Chung-Lu graph, you must specify the degree-heterogeneity parameters (via n or theta). We provide reasonable defaults to enable rapid exploration or you can invest the effort for more control over the model parameters. We strongly recommend setting the expected_degree or expected_density argument to avoid large memory allocations associated with sampling large, dense graphs.


  n = NULL,
  theta = NULL,
  sort_nodes = TRUE,
  poisson_edges = TRUE,
  allow_self_loops = TRUE,
  force_identifiability = FALSE



(degree heterogeneity) The number of nodes in the graph. Use when you don't want to specify the degree-heterogeneity parameters theta by hand. When n is specified, theta is randomly generated from a LogNormal(2, 1) distribution. This is subject to change, and may not be reproducible. n defaults to NULL. You must specify either n or theta, but not both.


(degree heterogeneity) A numeric vector explicitly specifying the degree heterogeneity parameters. This implicitly determines the number of nodes in the resulting graph, i.e. it will have length(theta) nodes. Must be positive. Setting to a vector of ones recovers an erdos renyi graph. Defaults to NULL. You must specify either n or theta, but not both.


Arguments passed on to undirected_factor_model


If specified, the desired expected degree of the graph. Specifying expected_degree simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


If specified, the desired expected density of the graph. Specifying expected_density simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


Logical indicating whether or not to sort the nodes so that they are grouped by block and by theta. Useful for plotting. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical indicating whether or not multiple edges are allowed to form between a pair of nodes. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds as usual, and duplicate edges are removed afterwards. Further, when FALSE, we assume that S specifies a desired between-factor connection probability, and back-transform this S to the appropriate Poisson intensity parameter to approximate Bernoulli factor connection probabilities. See Section 2.3 of Rohe et al. (2017) for some additional details.


Logical indicating whether or not nodes should be allowed to form edges with themselves. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds allowing self-loops, and these are then removed after the fact.


Logical indicating whether or not to normalize theta such that it sums to one within each block. Defaults to FALSE, since this behavior can be surprise when theta is set to a vector of all ones to recover the SBM case.


An undirected_chung_lu S3 object, a subclass of dcsbm().

See Also

Other undirected graphs: dcsbm(), erdos_renyi(), mmsbm(), overlapping_sbm(), planted_partition(), sbm()



cl <- chung_lu(n = 1000, expected_density = 0.01)

theta <- round(stats::rlnorm(100, 2))

cl2 <- chung_lu(
  theta = theta,
  expected_degree = 5


edgelist <- sample_edgelist(cl)

Create an undirected degree corrected stochastic blockmodel object


To specify a degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel, you must specify the degree-heterogeneity parameters (via n or theta), the mixing matrix (via k or B), and the relative block probabilities (optional, via pi). We provide defaults for most of these options to enable rapid exploration, or you can invest the effort for more control over the model parameters. We strongly recommend setting the expected_degree or expected_density argument to avoid large memory allocations associated with sampling large, dense graphs.


  n = NULL,
  theta = NULL,
  k = NULL,
  B = NULL,
  pi = rep(1/k, k),
  sort_nodes = TRUE,
  force_identifiability = FALSE,
  poisson_edges = TRUE,
  allow_self_loops = TRUE



(degree heterogeneity) The number of nodes in the blockmodel. Use when you don't want to specify the degree-heterogeneity parameters theta by hand. When n is specified, theta is randomly generated from a LogNormal(2, 1) distribution. This is subject to change, and may not be reproducible. n defaults to NULL. You must specify either n or theta, but not both.


(degree heterogeneity) A numeric vector explicitly specifying the degree heterogeneity parameters. This implicitly determines the number of nodes in the resulting graph, i.e. it will have length(theta) nodes. Must be positive. Setting to a vector of ones recovers a stochastic blockmodel without degree correction. Defaults to NULL. You must specify either n or theta, but not both.


(mixing matrix) The number of blocks in the blockmodel. Use when you don't want to specify the mixing-matrix by hand. When k is specified, the elements of B are drawn randomly from a Uniform(0, 1) distribution. This is subject to change, and may not be reproducible. k defaults to NULL. You must specify either k or B, but not both.


(mixing matrix) A k by k matrix of block connection probabilities. The probability that a node in block i connects to a node in community j is Poisson(B[i, j]). Must be a square matrix. matrix and Matrix objects are both acceptable. If B is not symmetric, it will be symmetrized via the update B := B + t(B). Defaults to NULL. You must specify either k or B, but not both.


Arguments passed on to undirected_factor_model


If specified, the desired expected degree of the graph. Specifying expected_degree simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


If specified, the desired expected density of the graph. Specifying expected_density simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


(relative block probabilities) Relative block probabilities. Must be positive, but do not need to sum to one, as they will be normalized internally. Must match the dimensions of B or k. Defaults to rep(1 / k, k), or a balanced blocks.


Logical indicating whether or not to sort the nodes so that they are grouped by block and by theta. Useful for plotting. Defaults to TRUE. When TRUE, nodes are first sorted by block membership, and then by degree-correction parameters within each block. Additionally, pi is sorted in increasing order, and the columns of the B matrix are permuted to match the new order of pi.


Logical indicating whether or not to normalize theta such that it sums to one within each block. Defaults to FALSE, since this behavior can be surprise when theta is set to a vector of all ones to recover the SBM case.


Logical indicating whether or not multiple edges are allowed to form between a pair of nodes. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds as usual, and duplicate edges are removed afterwards. Further, when FALSE, we assume that S specifies a desired between-factor connection probability, and back-transform this S to the appropriate Poisson intensity parameter to approximate Bernoulli factor connection probabilities. See Section 2.3 of Rohe et al. (2017) for some additional details.


Logical indicating whether or not nodes should be allowed to form edges with themselves. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds allowing self-loops, and these are then removed after the fact.


An undirected_dcsbm S3 object, a subclass of the undirected_factor_model() with the following additional fields:

  • theta: A numeric vector of degree-heterogeneity parameters.

  • z: The community memberships of each node, as a factor(). The factor will have k levels, where k is the number of communities in the stochastic blockmodel. There will not always necessarily be observed nodes in each community.

  • pi: Sampling probabilities for each block.

  • sorted: Logical indicating where nodes are arranged by block (and additionally by degree heterogeneity parameter) within each block.

Generative Model

There are two levels of randomness in a degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel. First, we randomly chose a block membership for each node in the blockmodel. This is handled by dcsbm(). Then, given these block memberships, we randomly sample edges between nodes. This second operation is handled by sample_edgelist(), sample_sparse(), sample_igraph() and sample_tidygraph(), depending depending on your desired graph representation.

Block memberships

Let ziz_i represent the block membership of node ii. To generate ziz_i we sample from a categorical distribution (note that this is a special case of a multinomial) with parameter π\pi, such that πi\pi_i represents the probability of ending up in the ith block. Block memberships for each node are independent.

Degree heterogeneity

In addition to block membership, the DCSBM also allows nodes to have different propensities for edge formation. We represent this propensity for node ii by a positive number θi\theta_i. Typically the θi\theta_i are constrained to sum to one for identifiability purposes, but this doesn't really matter during sampling (i.e. without the sum constraint scaling BB and θ\theta has the same effect on edge probabilities, but whether BB or θ\theta is responsible for this change is uncertain).

Edge formulation

Once we know the block memberships zz and the degree heterogeneity parameters thetatheta, we need one more ingredient, which is the baseline intensity of connections between nodes in block i and block j. Then each edge Ai,jA_{i,j} is Poisson distributed with parameter

λ[i,j]=θiBzi,zjθj.\lambda[i, j] = \theta_i \cdot B_{z_i, z_j} \cdot \theta_j.

See Also

Other stochastic block models: directed_dcsbm(), mmsbm(), overlapping_sbm(), planted_partition(), sbm()

Other undirected graphs: chung_lu(), erdos_renyi(), mmsbm(), overlapping_sbm(), planted_partition(), sbm()



lazy_dcsbm <- dcsbm(n = 1000, k = 5, expected_density = 0.01)

# sometimes you gotta let the world burn and
# sample a wildly dense graph

dense_lazy_dcsbm <- dcsbm(n = 500, k = 3, expected_density = 0.8)

# explicitly setting the degree heterogeneity parameter,
# mixing matrix, and relative community sizes rather
# than using randomly generated defaults

k <- 5
n <- 1000
B <- matrix(stats::runif(k * k), nrow = k, ncol = k)

theta <- round(stats::rlnorm(n, 2))

pi <- c(1, 2, 4, 1, 1)

custom_dcsbm <- dcsbm(
  theta = theta,
  B = B,
  pi = pi,
  expected_degree = 50


edgelist <- sample_edgelist(custom_dcsbm)

# efficient eigendecompostion that leverages low-rank structure in
# E(A) so that you don't have to form E(A) to find eigenvectors,
# as E(A) is typically dense. computation is
# handled via RSpectra

population_eigs <- eigs_sym(custom_dcsbm)

Create a directed degree corrected stochastic blockmodel object


To specify a degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel, you must specify the degree-heterogeneity parameters (via n or theta_out and theta_in), the mixing matrix (via k_out and k_in, or B), and the relative block probabilities (optional, via p_out and pi_in). We provide defaults for most of these options to enable rapid exploration, or you can invest the effort for more control over the model parameters. We strongly recommend setting the expected_out_degree, expected_in_degree, or expected_density argument to avoid large memory allocations associated with sampling large, dense graphs.


  n = NULL,
  theta_out = NULL,
  theta_in = NULL,
  k_out = NULL,
  k_in = NULL,
  B = NULL,
  pi_out = rep(1/k_out, k_out),
  pi_in = rep(1/k_in, k_in),
  sort_nodes = TRUE,
  force_identifiability = TRUE,
  poisson_edges = TRUE,
  allow_self_loops = TRUE



(degree heterogeneity) The number of nodes in the blockmodel. Use when you don't want to specify the degree-heterogeneity parameters theta_out and theta_in by hand. When n is specified, theta_out and theta_in are randomly generated from a LogNormal(2, 1) distribution. This is subject to change, and may not be reproducible. n defaults to NULL. You must specify either n or theta_out and theta_in together, but not both.


(degree heterogeneity) A numeric vector explicitly specifying the degree heterogeneity parameters. This implicitly determines the number of nodes in the resulting graph, i.e. it will have length(theta_out) nodes. Must be positive. Setting to a vector of ones recovers a stochastic blockmodel without degree correction. Defaults to NULL. You must specify either n or theta_out and theta_in together, but not both. theta_out controls outgoing degree propensity, or, equivalently, row sums of the adjacency matrix.


(degree heterogeneity) A numeric vector explicitly specifying the degree heterogeneity parameters. This implicitly determines the number of nodes in the resulting graph, i.e. it will have length(theta) nodes. Must be positive. Setting to a vector of ones recovers a stochastic blockmodel without degree correction. Defaults to NULL. You must specify either n or theta_out and theta_in together, but not both. theta_in controls incoming degree propensity, or, equivalently, column sums of the adjacency matrix.


(mixing matrix) The number of outgoing blocks in the blockmodel. Use when you don't want to specify the mixing-matrix by hand. When k_out is specified, the elements of B are drawn randomly from a Uniform(0, 1) distribution. This is subject to change, and may not be reproducible. k_out defaults to NULL. You must specify either k_out and k_in together, or B. You may specify all three at once, in which case k_out is only used to set pi_out (when pi_out is left at its default argument value).


(mixing matrix) The number of incoming blocks in the blockmodel. Use when you don't want to specify the mixing-matrix by hand. When k_in is specified, the elements of B are drawn randomly from a Uniform(0, 1) distribution. This is subject to change, and may not be reproducible. k_in defaults to NULL. You may specify all three at once, in which case k_in is only used to set pi_in (when pi_in is left at its default argument value).


(mixing matrix) A k_out by k_in matrix of block connection probabilities. The probability that a node in block i connects to a node in community j is Poisson(B[i, j]). matrix and Matrix objects are both acceptable. Defaults to NULL. You must specify either k_out and k_in together, or B, but not both.


Arguments passed on to directed_factor_model


If specified, the desired expected in degree of the graph. Specifying expected_in_degree simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Specify only one of expected_in_degree, expected_out_degree, and expected_density.


If specified, the desired expected out degree of the graph. Specifying expected_out_degree simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Specify only one of expected_in_degree, expected_out_degree, and expected_density.


If specified, the desired expected density of the graph. Specifying expected_density simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Specify only one of expected_in_degree, expected_out_degree, and expected_density.


(relative block probabilities) Relative block probabilities. Must be positive, but do not need to sum to one, as they will be normalized internally. Must match the rows of B, or k_out. Defaults to rep(1 / k_out, k_out), or a balanced outgoing blocks.


(relative block probabilities) Relative block probabilities. Must be positive, but do not need to sum to one, as they will be normalized internally. Must match the columns of B, or k_in. Defaults to rep(1 / k_in, k_in), or a balanced incoming blocks.


Logical indicating whether or not to sort the nodes so that they are grouped by block. Useful for plotting. Defaults to TRUE. When TRUE, rows of the expected adjacency matrix are first sorted by outgoing block membership, and then by incoming degree-correction parameters within each incoming block. A similar sorting procedure occurs independently from the columns, according to the incoming blocks. Additionally, pi_out and pi_in are sorted in increasing order, and the columns of the B matrix are permuted to match the new orderings.


Logical indicating whether or not to normalize theta_out such that it sums to one within each incoming block and theta_in such that it sums to one within each outgoing block. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical indicating whether or not multiple edges are allowed to form between a pair of nodes. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds as usual, and duplicate edges are removed afterwards. Further, when FALSE, we assume that S specifies a desired between-factor connection probability, and back-transform this S to the appropriate Poisson intensity parameter to approximate Bernoulli factor connection probabilities. See Section 2.3 of Rohe et al. (2017) for some additional details.


Logical indicating whether or not nodes should be allowed to form edges with themselves. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds allowing self-loops, and these are then removed after the fact.


A directed_dcsbm S3 object, a subclass of the directed_factor_model() with the following additional fields:

  • theta_out: A numeric vector of incoming community degree-heterogeneity parameters.

  • theta_in: A numeric vector of outgoing community degree-heterogeneity parameters.

  • z_out: The incoming community memberships of each node, as a factor(). The factor will have k_out levels, where k_out is the number of incoming communities in the stochastic blockmodel. There will not always necessarily be observed nodes in each community.

  • z_in: The outgoing community memberships of each node, as a factor(). The factor will have k_in levels, where k_in is the number of outgoing communities in the stochastic blockmodel. There will not always necessarily be observed nodes in each community.

  • pi_out: Sampling probabilities for each incoming community.

  • pi_in: Sampling probabilities for each outgoing community.

  • sorted: Logical indicating where nodes are arranged by block (and additionally by degree heterogeneity parameter) within each block.

Generative Model

There are two levels of randomness in a directed degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel. First, we randomly chose a incoming block membership and an outgoing block membership for each node in the blockmodel. This is handled by directed_dcsbm(). Then, given these block memberships, we randomly sample edges between nodes. This second operation is handled by sample_edgelist(), sample_sparse(), sample_igraph() and sample_tidygraph(), depending on your desired graph representation.

Block memberships

Let xx represent the incoming block membership of a node and yy represent the outgoing block membership of a node. To generate xx we sample from a categorical distribution with parameter πout\pi_out. To generate yy we sample from a categorical distribution with parameter πin\pi_in. Block memberships are independent across nodes. Incoming and outgoing block memberships of the same node are also independent.

Degree heterogeneity

In addition to block membership, the DCSBM also nodes to have different propensities for incoming and outgoing edge formation. We represent the propensity to form incoming edges for a given node by a positive number θout\theta_out. We represent the propensity to form outgoing edges for a given node by a positive number θin\theta_in. Typically the θout\theta_out (and thetaintheta_in) across all nodes are constrained to sum to one for identifiability purposes, but this doesn't really matter during sampling.

Edge formulation

Once we know the block memberships xx and yy and the degree heterogeneity parameters θin\theta_{in} and θout\theta_{out}, we need one more ingredient, which is the baseline intensity of connections between nodes in block i and block j. Then each edge forms independently according to a Poisson distribution with parameters

λ=θinBx,yθout.\lambda = \theta_{in} * B_{x, y} * \theta_{out}.

See Also

Other stochastic block models: dcsbm(), mmsbm(), overlapping_sbm(), planted_partition(), sbm()

Other directed graphs: directed_erdos_renyi()



B <- matrix(0.2, nrow = 5, ncol = 8)
diag(B) <- 0.9

ddcsbm <- directed_dcsbm(
  n = 1000,
  B = B,
  k_out = 5,
  k_in = 8,
  expected_density = 0.01


population_svd <- svds(ddcsbm)

Create an directed erdos renyi object


Create an directed erdos renyi object


  p = NULL,
  poisson_edges = TRUE,
  allow_self_loops = TRUE



Number of nodes in graph.


Arguments passed on to directed_factor_model


If specified, the desired expected in degree of the graph. Specifying expected_in_degree simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Specify only one of expected_in_degree, expected_out_degree, and expected_density.


If specified, the desired expected out degree of the graph. Specifying expected_out_degree simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Specify only one of expected_in_degree, expected_out_degree, and expected_density.


Probability of an edge between any two nodes. You must specify either p, expected_in_degree, or expected_out_degree.


Logical indicating whether or not multiple edges are allowed to form between a pair of nodes. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds as usual, and duplicate edges are removed afterwards. Further, when FALSE, we assume that S specifies a desired between-factor connection probability, and back-transform this S to the appropriate Poisson intensity parameter to approximate Bernoulli factor connection probabilities. See Section 2.3 of Rohe et al. (2017) for some additional details.


Logical indicating whether or not nodes should be allowed to form edges with themselves. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds allowing self-loops, and these are then removed after the fact.


A directed_factor_model S3 class based on a list with the following elements:

  • X: The incoming latent positions as a Matrix() object.

  • S: The mixing matrix as a Matrix() object.

  • Y: The outgoing latent positions as a Matrix() object.

  • n: The number of nodes with incoming edges in the network.

  • k1: The dimension of the latent node position vectors encoding incoming latent communities (i.e. in X).

  • d: The number of nodes with outgoing edges in the network. Does not need to match n – rectangular adjacency matrices are supported.

  • k2: The dimension of the latent node position vectors encoding outgoing latent communities (i.e. in Y).

  • poisson_edges: Whether or not the graph is taken to be have Poisson or Bernoulli edges, as indicated by a logical vector of length 1.

  • allow_self_loops: Whether or not self loops are allowed.

See Also

Other erdos renyi: erdos_renyi()

Other directed graphs: directed_dcsbm()



er <- directed_erdos_renyi(n = 10, p = 0.1)

big_er <- directed_erdos_renyi(n = 10^6, expected_in_degree = 5)

A <- sample_sparse(er)

Create a directed factor model graph


A directed factor model graph is a directed generalized Poisson random dot product graph. The edges in this graph are assumpted to be independent and Poisson distributed. The graph is parameterized by its expected adjacency matrix, with is ⁠E[A] = X S Y'⁠. We do not recommend that causal users use this function, see instead directed_dcsbm() and related functions, which will formulate common variants of the stochastic blockmodels as undirected factor models with lots of helpful input validation.


  expected_in_degree = NULL,
  expected_out_degree = NULL,
  expected_density = NULL,
  poisson_edges = TRUE,
  allow_self_loops = TRUE



A matrix() or Matrix() representing real-valued latent node positions encoding community structure of incoming edges. Entries must be positive.


A matrix() or Matrix() mixing matrix. Entries must be positive.


A matrix() or Matrix() representing real-valued latent node positions encoding community structure of outgoing edges. Entries must be positive.


Ignored. For internal developer use only.


If specified, the desired expected in degree of the graph. Specifying expected_in_degree simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Specify only one of expected_in_degree, expected_out_degree, and expected_density.


If specified, the desired expected out degree of the graph. Specifying expected_out_degree simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Specify only one of expected_in_degree, expected_out_degree, and expected_density.


If specified, the desired expected density of the graph. Specifying expected_density simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Specify only one of expected_in_degree, expected_out_degree, and expected_density.


Logical indicating whether or not multiple edges are allowed to form between a pair of nodes. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds as usual, and duplicate edges are removed afterwards. Further, when FALSE, we assume that S specifies a desired between-factor connection probability, and back-transform this S to the appropriate Poisson intensity parameter to approximate Bernoulli factor connection probabilities. See Section 2.3 of Rohe et al. (2017) for some additional details.


Logical indicating whether or not nodes should be allowed to form edges with themselves. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds allowing self-loops, and these are then removed after the fact.


A directed_factor_model S3 class based on a list with the following elements:

  • X: The incoming latent positions as a Matrix() object.

  • S: The mixing matrix as a Matrix() object.

  • Y: The outgoing latent positions as a Matrix() object.

  • n: The number of nodes with incoming edges in the network.

  • k1: The dimension of the latent node position vectors encoding incoming latent communities (i.e. in X).

  • d: The number of nodes with outgoing edges in the network. Does not need to match n – rectangular adjacency matrices are supported.

  • k2: The dimension of the latent node position vectors encoding outgoing latent communities (i.e. in Y).

  • poisson_edges: Whether or not the graph is taken to be have Poisson or Bernoulli edges, as indicated by a logical vector of length 1.

  • allow_self_loops: Whether or not self loops are allowed.


n <- 10000

k1 <- 5
k2 <- 3

d <- 5000

X <- matrix(rpois(n = n * k1, 1), nrow = n)
S <- matrix(runif(n = k1 * k2, 0, .1), nrow = k1, ncol = k2)
Y <- matrix(rexp(n = k2 * d, 1), nrow = d)

fm <- directed_factor_model(X, S, Y)

fm2 <- directed_factor_model(X, S, Y, expected_in_degree = 50)

Compute the eigendecomposition of the expected adjacency matrix of an undirected factor model


Compute the eigendecomposition of the expected adjacency matrix of an undirected factor model


## S3 method for class 'undirected_factor_model'
eigs_sym(A, k = A$k, which = "LM", sigma = NULL, opts = list(), ...)



An undirected_factor_model().


Desired rank of decomposition.


Selection criterion. See Details below.


Shift parameter. See section Shift-And-Invert Mode.


Control parameters related to the computing algorithm. See Details below.


Unused, included only for consistency with generic signature.


The which argument is a character string that specifies the type of eigenvalues to be computed. Possible values are:

"LM" The kk eigenvalues with largest magnitude. Here the magnitude means the Euclidean norm of complex numbers.
"SM" The kk eigenvalues with smallest magnitude.
"LR" The kk eigenvalues with largest real part.
"SR" The kk eigenvalues with smallest real part.
"LI" The kk eigenvalues with largest imaginary part.
"SI" The kk eigenvalues with smallest imaginary part.
"LA" The kk largest (algebraic) eigenvalues, considering any negative sign.
"SA" The kk smallest (algebraic) eigenvalues, considering any negative sign.
"BE" Compute kk eigenvalues, half from each end of the spectrum. When kk is odd, compute more from the high and then from the low end.

eigs() with matrix types "matrix", "dgeMatrix", "dgCMatrix" and "dgRMatrix" can use "LM", "SM", "LR", "SR", "LI" and "SI".

eigs_sym() with all supported matrix types, and eigs() with symmetric matrix types ("dsyMatrix", "dsCMatrix", and "dsRMatrix") can use "LM", "SM", "LA", "SA" and "BE".

The opts argument is a list that can supply any of the following parameters:


Number of Lanzcos basis vectors to use. More vectors will result in faster convergence, but with greater memory use. For general matrix, ncv must satisfy k+2ncvnk+2\le ncv \le n, and for symmetric matrix, the constraint is k<ncvnk < ncv \le n. Default is min(n, max(2*k+1, 20)).


Precision parameter. Default is 1e-10.


Maximum number of iterations. Default is 1000.


Whether to compute eigenvectors. If FALSE, only calculate and return eigenvalues.


Initial vector of length nn supplied to the Arnoldi/Lanczos iteration. It may speed up the convergence if initvec is close to an eigenvector of AA.

Create an undirected erdos renyi object


Create an undirected erdos renyi object


erdos_renyi(n, ..., p = NULL, poisson_edges = TRUE, allow_self_loops = TRUE)



Number of nodes in graph.


Arguments passed on to undirected_factor_model


If specified, the desired expected degree of the graph. Specifying expected_degree simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


Probability of an edge between any two nodes. You must specify either p or expected_degree.


Logical indicating whether or not multiple edges are allowed to form between a pair of nodes. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds as usual, and duplicate edges are removed afterwards. Further, when FALSE, we assume that S specifies a desired between-factor connection probability, and back-transform this S to the appropriate Poisson intensity parameter to approximate Bernoulli factor connection probabilities. See Section 2.3 of Rohe et al. (2017) for some additional details.


Logical indicating whether or not nodes should be allowed to form edges with themselves. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds allowing self-loops, and these are then removed after the fact.


An undirected_factor_model S3 class based on a list with the following elements:

  • X: The latent positions as a Matrix() object.

  • S: The mixing matrix as a Matrix() object.

  • n: The number of nodes in the network.

  • k: The rank of expectation matrix. Equivalently, the dimension of the latent node position vectors.

See Also

Other erdos renyi: directed_erdos_renyi()

Other undirected graphs: chung_lu(), dcsbm(), mmsbm(), overlapping_sbm(), planted_partition(), sbm()



er <- erdos_renyi(n = 10, p = 0.1)

er <- erdos_renyi(n = 10, expected_density = 0.1)

big_er <- erdos_renyi(n = 10^6, expected_degree = 5)

A <- sample_sparse(er)

Calculate the expected adjacency matrix


Calculate the expected adjacency matrix


expectation(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'undirected_factor_model'
expectation(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'directed_factor_model'
expectation(model, ...)



A directed_factor_model() or an undirected_factor_model() object.




The expected value of the adjacency matrix, conditional on the latent factors X and Y (if the model is directed).

Calculate the expected edges in Poisson RDPG graph


These calculations are conditional on the latent factors X and Y.


expected_edges(factor_model, ...)

expected_degree(factor_model, ...)

expected_in_degree(factor_model, ...)

expected_out_degree(factor_model, ...)

expected_density(factor_model, ...)

expected_degrees(factor_model, ...)



A directed_factor_model() or undirected_factor_model().


Ignored. Do not use.


Note that the runtime of the fastRG algorithm is proportional to the expected number of edges in the graph. Expected edge count will be an underestimate of expected number of edges for Bernoulli graphs. See the Rohe et al for details.


Expected edge counts, or graph densities.


Rohe, Karl, Jun Tao, Xintian Han, and Norbert Binkiewicz. 2017. "A Note on Quickly Sampling a Sparse Matrix with Low Rank Expectation." Journal of Machine Learning Research; 19(77):1-13, 2018.


##### an undirected blockmodel example

n <- 1000
pop <- n / 2
a <- .1
b <- .05

B <- matrix(c(a, b, b, a), nrow = 2)

b_model <- fastRG::sbm(n = n, k = 2, B = B, poisson_edges = FALSE)


A <- sample_sparse(b_model)

# compare

pop * a + pop * b # analytical average degree

##### more generic examples

n <- 10000
k <- 5

X <- matrix(rpois(n = n * k, 1), nrow = n)
S <- matrix(runif(n = k * k, 0, .1), nrow = k)

ufm <- undirected_factor_model(X, S)


n <- 10000
d <- 1000

k1 <- 5
k2 <- 3

X <- matrix(rpois(n = n * k1, 1), nrow = n)
Y <- matrix(rpois(n = d * k2, 1), nrow = d)
S <- matrix(runif(n = k1 * k2, 0, .1), nrow = k1)

dfm <- directed_factor_model(X = X, S = S, Y = Y)



Create an undirected degree-corrected mixed membership stochastic blockmodel object


To specify a degree-corrected mixed membership stochastic blockmodel, you must specify the degree-heterogeneity parameters (via n or theta), the mixing matrix (via k or B), and the relative block propensities (optional, via alpha). We provide defaults for most of these options to enable rapid exploration, or you can invest the effort for more control over the model parameters. We strongly recommend setting the expected_degree or expected_density argument to avoid large memory allocations associated with sampling large, dense graphs.


  n = NULL,
  theta = NULL,
  k = NULL,
  B = NULL,
  alpha = rep(1, k),
  sort_nodes = TRUE,
  force_pure = TRUE,
  poisson_edges = TRUE,
  allow_self_loops = TRUE



(degree heterogeneity) The number of nodes in the blockmodel. Use when you don't want to specify the degree-heterogeneity parameters theta by hand. When n is specified, theta is randomly generated from a LogNormal(2, 1) distribution. This is subject to change, and may not be reproducible. n defaults to NULL. You must specify either n or theta, but not both.


(degree heterogeneity) A numeric vector explicitly specifying the degree heterogeneity parameters. This implicitly determines the number of nodes in the resulting graph, i.e. it will have length(theta) nodes. Must be positive. Setting to a vector of ones recovers a stochastic blockmodel without degree correction. Defaults to NULL. You must specify either n or theta, but not both.


(mixing matrix) The number of blocks in the blockmodel. Use when you don't want to specify the mixing-matrix by hand. When k is specified, the elements of B are drawn randomly from a Uniform(0, 1) distribution. This is subject to change, and may not be reproducible. k defaults to NULL. You must specify either k or B, but not both.


(mixing matrix) A k by k matrix of block connection probabilities. The probability that a node in block i connects to a node in community j is Poisson(B[i, j]). Must be a square matrix. matrix and Matrix objects are both acceptable. If B is not symmetric, it will be symmetrized via the update B := B + t(B). Defaults to NULL. You must specify either k or B, but not both.


Arguments passed on to undirected_factor_model


If specified, the desired expected degree of the graph. Specifying expected_degree simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


If specified, the desired expected density of the graph. Specifying expected_density simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


(relative block propensities) Relative block propensities, which are parameters of a Dirichlet distribution. All elments of alpha must thus be positive. Must match the dimensions of B or k. Defaults to rep(1, k), or balanced membership across blocks.


Logical indicating whether or not to sort the nodes so that they are grouped by block and by theta. Useful for plotting. Defaults to TRUE. When TRUE, nodes are first sorted by block membership, and then by degree-correction parameters within each block. Additionally, pi is sorted in increasing order, and the columns of the B matrix are permuted to match the new order of pi.


Logical indicating whether or not to force presence of "pure nodes" (nodes that belong only to a single community) for the sake of identifiability. To include pure nodes, block membership sampling first proceeds as per usual. Then, after it is complete, k nodes are chosen randomly as pure nodes, one for each block. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical indicating whether or not multiple edges are allowed to form between a pair of nodes. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds as usual, and duplicate edges are removed afterwards. Further, when FALSE, we assume that S specifies a desired between-factor connection probability, and back-transform this S to the appropriate Poisson intensity parameter to approximate Bernoulli factor connection probabilities. See Section 2.3 of Rohe et al. (2017) for some additional details.


Logical indicating whether or not nodes should be allowed to form edges with themselves. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds allowing self-loops, and these are then removed after the fact.


An undirected_mmsbm S3 object, a subclass of the undirected_factor_model() with the following additional fields:

  • theta: A numeric vector of degree-heterogeneity parameters.

  • Z: The community memberships of each node, a matrix() with k columns, whose row sums all equal one.

  • alpha: Community membership proportion propensities.

  • sorted: Logical indicating where nodes are arranged by block (and additionally by degree heterogeneity parameter) within each block.

Generative Model

There are two levels of randomness in a degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel. First, we randomly choose how much each node belongs to each block in the blockmodel. Each node is one unit of block membership to distribute. This is handled by mmsbm(). Then, given these block memberships, we randomly sample edges between nodes. This second operation is handled by sample_edgelist(), sample_sparse(), sample_igraph() and sample_tidygraph(), depending depending on your desired graph representation.

Block memberships

Let ZiZ_i by a vector on the k dimensional simplex representing the block memberships of node ii. To generate ziz_i we sample from a Dirichlet distribution with parameter vector α\alpha. Block memberships for each node are independent.

Degree heterogeneity

In addition to block membership, the MMSBM also allows nodes to have different propensities for edge formation. We represent this propensity for node ii by a positive number θi\theta_i.

Edge formulation

Once we know the block membership vector zi,zjz_i, z_j and the degree heterogeneity parameters θ\theta, we need one more ingredient, which is the baseline intensity of connections between nodes in block i and block j. This is given by a k×kk \times k matrix BB. Then each edge Ai,jA_{i,j} is Poisson distributed with parameter

λi,j=θiziTBzjθj.\lambda_{i, j} = \theta_i \cdot z_i^T B z_j \cdot \theta_j.

See Also

Other stochastic block models: dcsbm(), directed_dcsbm(), overlapping_sbm(), planted_partition(), sbm()

Other undirected graphs: chung_lu(), dcsbm(), erdos_renyi(), overlapping_sbm(), planted_partition(), sbm()



lazy_mmsbm <- mmsbm(n = 1000, k = 5, expected_density = 0.01)

# sometimes you gotta let the world burn and
# sample a wildly dense graph

dense_lazy_mmsbm <- mmsbm(n = 500, k = 3, expected_density = 0.8)

# explicitly setting the degree heterogeneity parameter,
# mixing matrix, and relative community sizes rather
# than using randomly generated defaults

k <- 5
n <- 1000
B <- matrix(stats::runif(k * k), nrow = k, ncol = k)

theta <- round(stats::rlnorm(n, 2))

alpha <- c(1, 2, 4, 1, 1)

custom_mmsbm <- mmsbm(
  theta = theta,
  B = B,
  alpha = alpha,
  expected_degree = 50


edgelist <- sample_edgelist(custom_mmsbm)

# efficient eigendecompostion that leverages low-rank structure in
# E(A) so that you don't have to form E(A) to find eigenvectors,
# as E(A) is typically dense. computation is
# handled via RSpectra

population_eigs <- eigs_sym(custom_mmsbm)

Create an undirected overlapping degree corrected stochastic blockmodel object


To specify a overlapping stochastic blockmodel, you must specify the number of nodes (via n), the mixing matrix (via k or B), and the block probabilities (optional, via pi). We provide defaults for most of these options to enable rapid exploration, or you can invest the effort for more control over the model parameters. We strongly recommend setting the expected_degree or expected_density argument to avoid large memory allocations associated with sampling large, dense graphs.


  k = NULL,
  B = NULL,
  pi = rep(1/k, k),
  sort_nodes = TRUE,
  force_pure = TRUE,
  poisson_edges = TRUE,
  allow_self_loops = TRUE



The number of nodes in the overlapping SBM.


(mixing matrix) The number of blocks in the blockmodel. Use when you don't want to specify the mixing-matrix by hand. When k is specified, B is set to a diagonal dominant matrix with value 0.8 along the diagonal and 0.1 / (k - 1) on the off-diagonal. k defaults to NULL. You must specify either k or B, but not both.


(mixing matrix) A k by k matrix of block connection probabilities. The probability that a node in block i connects to a node in community j is Poisson(B[i, j]). Must be an invertible, symmetric square matrix. matrix and Matrix objects are both acceptable. If B is not symmetric, it will be symmetrized via the update B := B + t(B). Defaults to NULL. You must specify either k or B, but not both.


Arguments passed on to undirected_factor_model


If specified, the desired expected degree of the graph. Specifying expected_degree simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


If specified, the desired expected density of the graph. Specifying expected_density simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


(block probabilities) Probability of membership in each block. Membership in each block is independent under the overlapping SBM. Defaults to rep(1 / k, k).


Logical indicating whether or not to sort the nodes so that they are grouped by block. Useful for plotting. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical indicating whether or not to force presence of "pure nodes" (nodes that belong only to a single community) for the sake of identifiability. To include pure nodes, block membership sampling first proceeds as per usual. Then, after it is complete, k nodes are chosen randomly as pure nodes, one for each block. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical indicating whether or not multiple edges are allowed to form between a pair of nodes. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds as usual, and duplicate edges are removed afterwards. Further, when FALSE, we assume that S specifies a desired between-factor connection probability, and back-transform this S to the appropriate Poisson intensity parameter to approximate Bernoulli factor connection probabilities. See Section 2.3 of Rohe et al. (2017) for some additional details.


Logical indicating whether or not nodes should be allowed to form edges with themselves. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds allowing self-loops, and these are then removed after the fact.


An undirected_overlapping_sbm S3 object, a subclass of the undirected_factor_model() with the following additional fields:

  • pi: Sampling probabilities for each block.

  • sorted: Logical indicating where nodes are arranged by block (and additionally by degree heterogeneity parameter) within each block.

Generative Model

There are two levels of randomness in a degree-corrected overlapping stochastic blockmodel. First, for each node, we independently determine if that node is a member of each block. This is handled by overlapping_sbm(). Then, given these block memberships, we randomly sample edges between nodes. This second operation is handled by sample_edgelist(), sample_sparse(), sample_igraph() and sample_tidygraph(), depending depending on your desired graph representation.


In order to be identifiable, an overlapping SBM must satisfy two conditions:

  1. B must be invertible, and

  2. the must be at least one "pure node" in each block that belongs to no other blocks.

Block memberships

Note that some nodes may not belong to any blocks.


Edge formulation

Once we know the block memberships, we need one more ingredient, which is the baseline intensity of connections between nodes in block i and block j. Then each edge Ai,jA_{i,j} is Poisson distributed with parameter



Kaufmann, Emilie, Thomas Bonald, and Marc Lelarge. "A Spectral Algorithm with Additive Clustering for the Recovery of Overlapping Communities in Networks," Vol. 9925. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

Latouche, Pierre, Etienne Birmelé, and Christophe Ambroise. "Overlapping Stochastic Block Models with Application to the French Political Blogosphere." The Annals of Applied Statistics 5, no. 1 (March 2011): 309–36.

Zhang, Yuan, Elizaveta Levina, and Ji Zhu. "Detecting Overlapping Communities in Networks Using Spectral Methods." ArXiv:1412.3432, December 10, 2014.

See Also

Other stochastic block models: dcsbm(), directed_dcsbm(), mmsbm(), planted_partition(), sbm()

Other undirected graphs: chung_lu(), dcsbm(), erdos_renyi(), mmsbm(), planted_partition(), sbm()



lazy_overlapping_sbm <- overlapping_sbm(n = 1000, k = 5, expected_density = 0.01)

# sometimes you gotta let the world burn and
# sample a wildly dense graph

dense_lazy_overlapping_sbm <- overlapping_sbm(n = 500, k = 3, expected_density = 0.8)

k <- 5
n <- 1000
B <- matrix(stats::runif(k * k), nrow = k, ncol = k)

pi <- c(1, 2, 4, 1, 1) / 5

custom_overlapping_sbm <- overlapping_sbm(
  n = 200,
  B = B,
  pi = pi,
  expected_degree = 5


edgelist <- sample_edgelist(custom_overlapping_sbm)

# efficient eigendecompostion that leverages low-rank structure in
# E(A) so that you don't have to form E(A) to find eigenvectors,
# as E(A) is typically dense. computation is
# handled via RSpectra

population_eigs <- eigs_sym(custom_overlapping_sbm)

Create an undirected planted partition object


To specify a planted partition model, you must specify the number of nodes (via n), the mixing matrix (optional, either via within_block/between_block or a/b), and the relative block probabilites (optional, via pi). We provide defaults for most of these options to enable rapid exploration, or you can invest the effort for more control over the model parameters. We strongly recommend setting the expected_degree or expected_density argument to avoid large memory allocations associated with sampling large, dense graphs.


  within_block = NULL,
  between_block = NULL,
  a = NULL,
  b = NULL,
  pi = rep(1/k, k),
  sort_nodes = TRUE,
  poisson_edges = TRUE,
  allow_self_loops = TRUE



The number of nodes in the network. Must be a positive integer. This argument is required.


Number of planted partitions, as a positive integer. This argument is required.


Arguments passed on to undirected_factor_model


If specified, the desired expected degree of the graph. Specifying expected_degree simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


If specified, the desired expected density of the graph. Specifying expected_density simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


Probability of within block edges. Must be strictly between zero and one. Must specify either within_block and between_block, or a and b to determine edge probabilities.


Probability of between block edges. Must be strictly between zero and one. Must specify either within_block and between_block, or a and b to determine edge probabilities.


Integer such that a/n is the probability of edges within a block. Useful for sparse graphs. Must specify either within_block and between_block, or a and b to determine edge probabilities.


Integer such that b/n is the probability of edges between blocks. Useful for sparse graphs. Must specify either within_block and between_block, or a and b to determine edge probabilities.


(relative block probabilities) Relative block probabilities. Must be positive, but do not need to sum to one, as they will be normalized internally. Must match the dimensions of B or k. Defaults to rep(1 / k, k), or a balanced blocks.


Logical indicating whether or not to sort the nodes so that they are grouped by block and by theta. Useful for plotting. Defaults to TRUE. When TRUE, nodes are first sorted by block membership, and then by degree-correction parameters within each block. Additionally, pi is sorted in increasing order, and the columns of the B matrix are permuted to match the new order of pi.


Logical indicating whether or not multiple edges are allowed to form between a pair of nodes. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds as usual, and duplicate edges are removed afterwards. Further, when FALSE, we assume that S specifies a desired between-factor connection probability, and back-transform this S to the appropriate Poisson intensity parameter to approximate Bernoulli factor connection probabilities. See Section 2.3 of Rohe et al. (2017) for some additional details.


Logical indicating whether or not nodes should be allowed to form edges with themselves. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds allowing self-loops, and these are then removed after the fact.


A planted partition model is stochastic blockmodel in which the diagonal and the off-diagonal of the mixing matrix B are both constant. This means that edge probabilities depend only on whether two nodes belong to the same block, or to different blocks, but the particular blocks themselves don't have any impact apart from this.


An undirected_planted_partition S3 object, which is a subclass of the sbm() object, with additional fields:

  • within_block: The probability of edge formation within a block.

  • between_block: The probability of edge formation between two distinct blocks.

See Also

Other stochastic block models: dcsbm(), directed_dcsbm(), mmsbm(), overlapping_sbm(), sbm()

Other undirected graphs: chung_lu(), dcsbm(), erdos_renyi(), mmsbm(), overlapping_sbm(), sbm()



lazy_pp <- planted_partition(
  n = 1000,
  k = 5,
  expected_density = 0.01,
  within_block = 0.1,
  between_block = 0.01


Plot (expected) adjacency matrices


Plot (expected) adjacency matrices



plot_dense_matrix(A, ...)




A directed_factor_model() or an undirected_factor_model() object.


A matrix(), Matrix::Matrix() or Matrix::sparseMatrix() object.




A ggplot2::ggplot2() plot.



model <- dcsbm(n = 10, k = 2, expected_density = 0.2)


A <- sample_sparse(model)


Sample a random edgelist from a random dot product graph


There are two steps to using the fastRG package. First, you must parameterize a random dot product graph by sampling the latent factors. Use functions such as dcsbm(), sbm(), etc, to perform this specification. Then, use ⁠sample_*()⁠ functions to generate a random graph in your preferred format.


sample_edgelist(factor_model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'undirected_factor_model'
sample_edgelist(factor_model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'directed_factor_model'
sample_edgelist(factor_model, ...)



A directed_factor_model() or undirected_factor_model().


Ignored. Do not use.


This function implements the fastRG algorithm as described in Rohe et al (2017). Please see the paper (which is short and open access!!) for details.


A single realization of a random Poisson (or Bernoulli) Dot Product Graph, represented as a tibble::tibble() with two integer columns, from and to.

NOTE: Indices for isolated nodes will not appear in the edgelist! This can lead to issues if you construct network objects from the edgelist directly.

In the undirected case, from and to do not encode information about edge direction, but we will always have from <= to for convenience of edge identification.

To avoid handling such considerations yourself, we recommend using sample_sparse(), sample_igraph(), and sample_tidygraph() over sample_edgelist().


Rohe, Karl, Jun Tao, Xintian Han, and Norbert Binkiewicz. 2017. "A Note on Quickly Sampling a Sparse Matrix with Low Rank Expectation." Journal of Machine Learning Research; 19(77):1-13, 2018.

See Also

Other samplers: sample_edgelist.matrix(), sample_igraph(), sample_sparse(), sample_tidygraph()




##### undirected examples ----------------------------

n <- 100
k <- 5

X <- matrix(rpois(n = n * k, 1), nrow = n)
S <- matrix(runif(n = k * k, 0, .1), nrow = k)

# S will be symmetrized internal here, or left unchanged if
# it is already symmetric

ufm <- undirected_factor_model(
  X, S,
  expected_density = 0.1


### sampling graphs as edgelists ----------------------

edgelist <- sample_edgelist(ufm)

### sampling graphs as sparse matrices ----------------

A <- sample_sparse(ufm)

inherits(A, "dsCMatrix")

B <- sample_sparse(ufm)

inherits(B, "dsCMatrix")

### sampling graphs as igraph graphs ------------------


### sampling graphs as tidygraph graphs ---------------


##### directed examples ----------------------------

n2 <- 100

k1 <- 5
k2 <- 3

d <- 50

X <- matrix(rpois(n = n2 * k1, 1), nrow = n2)
S <- matrix(runif(n = k1 * k2, 0, .1), nrow = k1, ncol = k2)
Y <- matrix(rexp(n = k2 * d, 1), nrow = d)

fm <- directed_factor_model(X, S, Y, expected_in_degree = 2)

### sampling graphs as edgelists ----------------------

edgelist2 <- sample_edgelist(fm)

### sampling graphs as sparse matrices ----------------

A2 <- sample_sparse(fm)

inherits(A2, "dgCMatrix")

B2 <- sample_sparse(fm)

inherits(B2, "dgCMatrix")

### sampling graphs as igraph graphs ------------------

# since the number of rows and the number of columns
# in `fm` differ, we will get a bipartite igraph here

# creating the bipartite igraph is slow relative to other
# sampling -- if this is a blocker for
# you please open an issue and we can investigate speedups

dig <- sample_igraph(fm)

### sampling graphs as tidygraph graphs ---------------


Low level interface to sample RPDG edgelists


This is a breaks-off, no safety checks interface. We strongly recommend that you do not call sample_edgelist.matrix() unless you know what you are doing, and even then, we still do not recommend it, as you will bypass all typical input validation. extremely loud coughing All those who bypass input validation suffer foolishly at their own hand. extremely loud coughing


## S3 method for class 'matrix'

## S3 method for class 'Matrix'



An n by k1 matrix() or Matrix::Matrix() of latent node positions encoding incoming edge community membership. The X matrix in Rohe et al (2017). Naming differs only for consistency with the S3 generic.


A k1 by k2 mixing matrix() or Matrix::Matrix(). In the undirect case this is assumed to be symmetric but we do not check that this is the case.


A d by k2 matrix() or Matrix::Matrix() of latent node positions encoding outgoing edge community membership.


Logical indicating whether or not the graph should be directed. When directed = FALSE, symmetrizes S internally. Y = X together with a symmetric S implies a symmetric expectation (although not necessarily an undirected graph). When directed = FALSE, samples a directed graph with symmetric expectation, and then adds edges until symmetry is achieved.


Whether or not to remove duplicate edges after sampling. See Section 2.3 of Rohe et al. (2017) for some additional details. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical indicating whether or not nodes should be allowed to form edges with themselves. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds allowing self-loops, and these are then removed after the fact.


Ignored, for generic consistency only.


This function implements the fastRG algorithm as described in Rohe et al (2017). Please see the paper (which is short and open access!!) for details.


A single realization of a random Poisson (or Bernoulli) Dot Product Graph, represented as a tibble::tibble() with two integer columns, from and to.

NOTE: Indices for isolated nodes will not appear in the edgelist! This can lead to issues if you construct network objects from the edgelist directly.

In the undirected case, from and to do not encode information about edge direction, but we will always have from <= to for convenience of edge identification.

To avoid handling such considerations yourself, we recommend using sample_sparse(), sample_igraph(), and sample_tidygraph() over sample_edgelist().


Rohe, Karl, Jun Tao, Xintian Han, and Norbert Binkiewicz. 2017. "A Note on Quickly Sampling a Sparse Matrix with Low Rank Expectation." Journal of Machine Learning Research; 19(77):1-13, 2018.

See Also

Other samplers: sample_edgelist(), sample_igraph(), sample_sparse(), sample_tidygraph()



n <- 10000
d <- 1000

k1 <- 5
k2 <- 3

X <- matrix(rpois(n = n * k1, 1), nrow = n)
S <- matrix(runif(n = k1 * k2, 0, .1), nrow = k1)
Y <- matrix(rpois(n = d * k2, 1), nrow = d)

sample_edgelist(X, S, Y, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)

Sample a random dot product graph as an igraph graph


There are two steps to using the fastRG package. First, you must parameterize a random dot product graph by sampling the latent factors. Use functions such as dcsbm(), sbm(), etc, to perform this specification. Then, use ⁠sample_*()⁠ functions to generate a random graph in your preferred format.


sample_igraph(factor_model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'undirected_factor_model'
sample_igraph(factor_model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'directed_factor_model'
sample_igraph(factor_model, ...)



A directed_factor_model() or undirected_factor_model().


Ignored. Do not use.


This function implements the fastRG algorithm as described in Rohe et al (2017). Please see the paper (which is short and open access!!) for details.


An igraph::igraph() object that is possibly a multigraph (that is, we take there to be multiple edges rather than weighted edges).

When factor_model is undirected:

- the graph is undirected and one-mode.

When factor_model is directed and square:

- the graph is directed and one-mode.

When factor_model is directed and rectangular:

- the graph is undirected and bipartite.

Note that working with bipartite graphs in igraph is more complex than working with one-mode graphs.


Rohe, Karl, Jun Tao, Xintian Han, and Norbert Binkiewicz. 2017. "A Note on Quickly Sampling a Sparse Matrix with Low Rank Expectation." Journal of Machine Learning Research; 19(77):1-13, 2018.

See Also

Other samplers: sample_edgelist(), sample_edgelist.matrix(), sample_sparse(), sample_tidygraph()




##### undirected examples ----------------------------

n <- 100
k <- 5

X <- matrix(rpois(n = n * k, 1), nrow = n)
S <- matrix(runif(n = k * k, 0, .1), nrow = k)

# S will be symmetrized internal here, or left unchanged if
# it is already symmetric

ufm <- undirected_factor_model(
  X, S,
  expected_density = 0.1


### sampling graphs as edgelists ----------------------

edgelist <- sample_edgelist(ufm)

### sampling graphs as sparse matrices ----------------

A <- sample_sparse(ufm)

inherits(A, "dsCMatrix")

B <- sample_sparse(ufm)

inherits(B, "dsCMatrix")

### sampling graphs as igraph graphs ------------------


### sampling graphs as tidygraph graphs ---------------


##### directed examples ----------------------------

n2 <- 100

k1 <- 5
k2 <- 3

d <- 50

X <- matrix(rpois(n = n2 * k1, 1), nrow = n2)
S <- matrix(runif(n = k1 * k2, 0, .1), nrow = k1, ncol = k2)
Y <- matrix(rexp(n = k2 * d, 1), nrow = d)

fm <- directed_factor_model(X, S, Y, expected_in_degree = 2)

### sampling graphs as edgelists ----------------------

edgelist2 <- sample_edgelist(fm)

### sampling graphs as sparse matrices ----------------

A2 <- sample_sparse(fm)

inherits(A2, "dgCMatrix")

B2 <- sample_sparse(fm)

inherits(B2, "dgCMatrix")

### sampling graphs as igraph graphs ------------------

# since the number of rows and the number of columns
# in `fm` differ, we will get a bipartite igraph here

# creating the bipartite igraph is slow relative to other
# sampling -- if this is a blocker for
# you please open an issue and we can investigate speedups

dig <- sample_igraph(fm)

### sampling graphs as tidygraph graphs ---------------


Sample a random dot product graph as a sparse Matrix


There are two steps to using the fastRG package. First, you must parameterize a random dot product graph by sampling the latent factors. Use functions such as dcsbm(), sbm(), etc, to perform this specification. Then, use ⁠sample_*()⁠ functions to generate a random graph in your preferred format.


sample_sparse(factor_model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'undirected_factor_model'
sample_sparse(factor_model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'directed_factor_model'
sample_sparse(factor_model, ...)



A directed_factor_model() or undirected_factor_model().


Ignored. Do not use.


This function implements the fastRG algorithm as described in Rohe et al (2017). Please see the paper (which is short and open access!!) for details.


For undirected factor models, a sparse Matrix::Matrix() of class dsCMatrix. In particular, this means the Matrix object (1) has double data type, (2) is symmetric, and (3) is in column compressed storage format.

For directed factor models, a sparse Matrix::Matrix() of class dgCMatrix. This means the Matrix object (1) has double data type, (2) in not symmetric, and (3) is in column compressed storage format.

To reiterate: for undirected graphs, you will get a symmetric matrix. For directed graphs, you will get a general sparse matrix.


Rohe, Karl, Jun Tao, Xintian Han, and Norbert Binkiewicz. 2017. "A Note on Quickly Sampling a Sparse Matrix with Low Rank Expectation." Journal of Machine Learning Research; 19(77):1-13, 2018.

See Also

Other samplers: sample_edgelist(), sample_edgelist.matrix(), sample_igraph(), sample_tidygraph()




##### undirected examples ----------------------------

n <- 100
k <- 5

X <- matrix(rpois(n = n * k, 1), nrow = n)
S <- matrix(runif(n = k * k, 0, .1), nrow = k)

# S will be symmetrized internal here, or left unchanged if
# it is already symmetric

ufm <- undirected_factor_model(
  X, S,
  expected_density = 0.1


### sampling graphs as edgelists ----------------------

edgelist <- sample_edgelist(ufm)

### sampling graphs as sparse matrices ----------------

A <- sample_sparse(ufm)

inherits(A, "dsCMatrix")

B <- sample_sparse(ufm)

inherits(B, "dsCMatrix")

### sampling graphs as igraph graphs ------------------


### sampling graphs as tidygraph graphs ---------------


##### directed examples ----------------------------

n2 <- 100

k1 <- 5
k2 <- 3

d <- 50

X <- matrix(rpois(n = n2 * k1, 1), nrow = n2)
S <- matrix(runif(n = k1 * k2, 0, .1), nrow = k1, ncol = k2)
Y <- matrix(rexp(n = k2 * d, 1), nrow = d)

fm <- directed_factor_model(X, S, Y, expected_in_degree = 2)

### sampling graphs as edgelists ----------------------

edgelist2 <- sample_edgelist(fm)

### sampling graphs as sparse matrices ----------------

A2 <- sample_sparse(fm)

inherits(A2, "dgCMatrix")

B2 <- sample_sparse(fm)

inherits(B2, "dgCMatrix")

### sampling graphs as igraph graphs ------------------

# since the number of rows and the number of columns
# in `fm` differ, we will get a bipartite igraph here

# creating the bipartite igraph is slow relative to other
# sampling -- if this is a blocker for
# you please open an issue and we can investigate speedups

dig <- sample_igraph(fm)

### sampling graphs as tidygraph graphs ---------------


Sample a random dot product graph as a tidygraph graph


There are two steps to using the fastRG package. First, you must parameterize a random dot product graph by sampling the latent factors. Use functions such as dcsbm(), sbm(), etc, to perform this specification. Then, use ⁠sample_*()⁠ functions to generate a random graph in your preferred format.


sample_tidygraph(factor_model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'undirected_factor_model'
sample_tidygraph(factor_model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'directed_factor_model'
sample_tidygraph(factor_model, ...)



A directed_factor_model() or undirected_factor_model().


Ignored. Do not use.


This function implements the fastRG algorithm as described in Rohe et al (2017). Please see the paper (which is short and open access!!) for details.


A tidygraph::tbl_graph() object that is possibly a multigraph (that is, we take there to be multiple edges rather than weighted edges).

When factor_model is undirected:

- the graph is undirected and one-mode.

When factor_model is directed and square:

- the graph is directed and one-mode.

When factor_model is directed and rectangular:

- the graph is undirected and bipartite.

Note that working with bipartite graphs in tidygraph is more complex than working with one-mode graphs.


Rohe, Karl, Jun Tao, Xintian Han, and Norbert Binkiewicz. 2017. "A Note on Quickly Sampling a Sparse Matrix with Low Rank Expectation." Journal of Machine Learning Research; 19(77):1-13, 2018.

See Also

Other samplers: sample_edgelist(), sample_edgelist.matrix(), sample_igraph(), sample_sparse()




##### undirected examples ----------------------------

n <- 100
k <- 5

X <- matrix(rpois(n = n * k, 1), nrow = n)
S <- matrix(runif(n = k * k, 0, .1), nrow = k)

# S will be symmetrized internal here, or left unchanged if
# it is already symmetric

ufm <- undirected_factor_model(
  X, S,
  expected_density = 0.1


### sampling graphs as edgelists ----------------------

edgelist <- sample_edgelist(ufm)

### sampling graphs as sparse matrices ----------------

A <- sample_sparse(ufm)

inherits(A, "dsCMatrix")

B <- sample_sparse(ufm)

inherits(B, "dsCMatrix")

### sampling graphs as igraph graphs ------------------


### sampling graphs as tidygraph graphs ---------------


##### directed examples ----------------------------

n2 <- 100

k1 <- 5
k2 <- 3

d <- 50

X <- matrix(rpois(n = n2 * k1, 1), nrow = n2)
S <- matrix(runif(n = k1 * k2, 0, .1), nrow = k1, ncol = k2)
Y <- matrix(rexp(n = k2 * d, 1), nrow = d)

fm <- directed_factor_model(X, S, Y, expected_in_degree = 2)

### sampling graphs as edgelists ----------------------

edgelist2 <- sample_edgelist(fm)

### sampling graphs as sparse matrices ----------------

A2 <- sample_sparse(fm)

inherits(A2, "dgCMatrix")

B2 <- sample_sparse(fm)

inherits(B2, "dgCMatrix")

### sampling graphs as igraph graphs ------------------

# since the number of rows and the number of columns
# in `fm` differ, we will get a bipartite igraph here

# creating the bipartite igraph is slow relative to other
# sampling -- if this is a blocker for
# you please open an issue and we can investigate speedups

dig <- sample_igraph(fm)

### sampling graphs as tidygraph graphs ---------------


Create an undirected stochastic blockmodel object


To specify a stochastic blockmodel, you must specify the number of nodes (via n), the mixing matrix (via k or B), and the relative block probabilites (optional, via pi). We provide defaults for most of these options to enable rapid exploration, or you can invest the effort for more control over the model parameters. We strongly recommend setting the expected_degree or expected_density argument to avoid large memory allocations associated with sampling large, dense graphs.


  k = NULL,
  B = NULL,
  pi = rep(1/k, k),
  sort_nodes = TRUE,
  poisson_edges = TRUE,
  allow_self_loops = TRUE



The number of nodes in the network. Must be a positive integer. This argument is required.


(mixing matrix) The number of blocks in the blockmodel. Use when you don't want to specify the mixing-matrix by hand. When k is specified, the elements of B are drawn randomly from a Uniform(0, 1) distribution. This is subject to change, and may not be reproducible. k defaults to NULL. You must specify either k or B, but not both.


(mixing matrix) A k by k matrix of block connection probabilities. The probability that a node in block i connects to a node in community j is Poisson(B[i, j]). Must be a square matrix. matrix and Matrix objects are both acceptable. If B is not symmetric, it will be symmetrized via the update B := B + t(B). Defaults to NULL. You must specify either k or B, but not both.


Arguments passed on to undirected_factor_model


If specified, the desired expected degree of the graph. Specifying expected_degree simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


If specified, the desired expected density of the graph. Specifying expected_density simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


(relative block probabilities) Relative block probabilities. Must be positive, but do not need to sum to one, as they will be normalized internally. Must match the dimensions of B or k. Defaults to rep(1 / k, k), or a balanced blocks.


Logical indicating whether or not to sort the nodes so that they are grouped by block and by theta. Useful for plotting. Defaults to TRUE. When TRUE, nodes are first sorted by block membership, and then by degree-correction parameters within each block. Additionally, pi is sorted in increasing order, and the columns of the B matrix are permuted to match the new order of pi.


Logical indicating whether or not multiple edges are allowed to form between a pair of nodes. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds as usual, and duplicate edges are removed afterwards. Further, when FALSE, we assume that S specifies a desired between-factor connection probability, and back-transform this S to the appropriate Poisson intensity parameter to approximate Bernoulli factor connection probabilities. See Section 2.3 of Rohe et al. (2017) for some additional details.


Logical indicating whether or not nodes should be allowed to form edges with themselves. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds allowing self-loops, and these are then removed after the fact.


A stochastic block is equivalent to a degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel where the degree heterogeneity parameters have all been set equal to 1.


An undirected_sbm S3 object, which is a subclass of the dcsbm() object.

See Also

Other stochastic block models: dcsbm(), directed_dcsbm(), mmsbm(), overlapping_sbm(), planted_partition()

Other undirected graphs: chung_lu(), dcsbm(), erdos_renyi(), mmsbm(), overlapping_sbm(), planted_partition()



lazy_sbm <- sbm(n = 1000, k = 5, expected_density = 0.01)

# by default we get a multigraph (i.e. multiple edges are
# allowed between the same two nodes). using bernoulli edges
# will with an adjacency matrix with only zeroes and ones

bernoulli_sbm <- sbm(
  n = 5000,
  k = 300,
  poisson_edges = FALSE,
  expected_degree = 8


edgelist <- sample_edgelist(bernoulli_sbm)

A <- sample_sparse(bernoulli_sbm)

# only zeroes and ones!

Compute the singular value decomposition of the expected adjacency matrix of a directed factor model


Compute the singular value decomposition of the expected adjacency matrix of a directed factor model


## S3 method for class 'directed_factor_model'
svds(A, k = min(A$k1, A$k2), nu = k, nv = k, opts = list(), ...)



An undirected_factor_model().


Desired rank of decomposition.


Number of left singular vectors to be computed. This must be between 0 and k.


Number of right singular vectors to be computed. This must be between 0 and k.


Control parameters related to the computing algorithm. See Details below.


Unused, included only for consistency with generic signature.


The opts argument is a list that can supply any of the following parameters:


Number of Lanzcos basis vectors to use. More vectors will result in faster convergence, but with greater memory use. ncv must be satisfy k<ncvpk < ncv \le p where p = min(m, n). Default is min(p, max(2*k+1, 20)).


Precision parameter. Default is 1e-10.


Maximum number of iterations. Default is 1000.


Either a logical value (TRUE/FALSE), or a numeric vector of length nn. If a vector cc is supplied, then SVD is computed on the matrix A1cA - 1c', in an implicit way without actually forming this matrix. center = TRUE has the same effect as center = colMeans(A). Default is FALSE.


Either a logical value (TRUE/FALSE), or a numeric vector of length nn. If a vector ss is supplied, then SVD is computed on the matrix (A1c)S(A - 1c')S, where cc is the centering vector and S=diag(1/s)S = diag(1/s). If scale = TRUE, then the vector ss is computed as the column norm of A1cA - 1c'. Default is FALSE.

Compute the singular value decomposition of the expected adjacency matrix of an undirected factor model


Compute the singular value decomposition of the expected adjacency matrix of an undirected factor model


## S3 method for class 'undirected_factor_model'
svds(A, k = A$k, nu = k, nv = k, opts = list(), ...)



An undirected_factor_model().


Desired rank of decomposition.


Number of left singular vectors to be computed. This must be between 0 and k.


Number of right singular vectors to be computed. This must be between 0 and k.


Control parameters related to the computing algorithm. See Details below.


Unused, included only for consistency with generic signature.


The opts argument is a list that can supply any of the following parameters:


Number of Lanzcos basis vectors to use. More vectors will result in faster convergence, but with greater memory use. ncv must be satisfy k<ncvpk < ncv \le p where p = min(m, n). Default is min(p, max(2*k+1, 20)).


Precision parameter. Default is 1e-10.


Maximum number of iterations. Default is 1000.


Either a logical value (TRUE/FALSE), or a numeric vector of length nn. If a vector cc is supplied, then SVD is computed on the matrix A1cA - 1c', in an implicit way without actually forming this matrix. center = TRUE has the same effect as center = colMeans(A). Default is FALSE.


Either a logical value (TRUE/FALSE), or a numeric vector of length nn. If a vector ss is supplied, then SVD is computed on the matrix (A1c)S(A - 1c')S, where cc is the centering vector and S=diag(1/s)S = diag(1/s). If scale = TRUE, then the vector ss is computed as the column norm of A1cA - 1c'. Default is FALSE.

Create an undirected factor model graph


An undirected factor model graph is an undirected generalized Poisson random dot product graph. The edges in this graph are assumed to be independent and Poisson distributed. The graph is parameterized by its expected adjacency matrix, which is ⁠E[A|X] = X S X'⁠. We do not recommend that casual users use this function, see instead dcsbm() and related functions, which will formulate common variants of the stochastic blockmodels as undirected factor models with lots of helpful input validation.


  expected_degree = NULL,
  expected_density = NULL,
  poisson_edges = TRUE,
  allow_self_loops = TRUE



A matrix() or Matrix() representing real-valued latent node positions. Entries must be positive.


A matrix() or Matrix() mixing matrix. S is symmetrized if it is not already, as this is the undirected case. Entries must be positive.


Ignored. Must be empty.


If specified, the desired expected degree of the graph. Specifying expected_degree simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


If specified, the desired expected density of the graph. Specifying expected_density simply rescales S to achieve this. Defaults to NULL. Do not specify both expected_degree and expected_density at the same time.


Logical indicating whether or not multiple edges are allowed to form between a pair of nodes. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds as usual, and duplicate edges are removed afterwards. Further, when FALSE, we assume that S specifies a desired between-factor connection probability, and back-transform this S to the appropriate Poisson intensity parameter to approximate Bernoulli factor connection probabilities. See Section 2.3 of Rohe et al. (2017) for some additional details.


Logical indicating whether or not nodes should be allowed to form edges with themselves. Defaults to TRUE. When FALSE, sampling proceeds allowing self-loops, and these are then removed after the fact.


An undirected_factor_model S3 class based on a list with the following elements:

  • X: The latent positions as a Matrix() object.

  • S: The mixing matrix as a Matrix() object.

  • n: The number of nodes in the network.

  • k: The rank of expectation matrix. Equivalently, the dimension of the latent node position vectors.


n <- 10000
k <- 5

X <- matrix(rpois(n = n * k, 1), nrow = n)
S <- matrix(runif(n = k * k, 0, .1), nrow = k)

ufm <- undirected_factor_model(X, S)

ufm2 <- undirected_factor_model(X, S, expected_degree = 50)
